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THE Office of the Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC) has released its opinion on the partial intervention of the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) in the Metropolitan Cebu Water District (MCWD).But the LWUA and the MCWD are interpreting it differently.The LWUA, in a statement issued on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, said the OGCC’s opinion affirmed the legality of its partial intervention.The OGCC said the LWUA is authorized to intervene in the operations and management of a water district, including policy-making. However, this power is subject to limitations imposed by its charter. In a statement dated March 26 and signed by Solomon Hermosura, government corporate counsel, and Owen Vidad, the officer-in-charge who handles the legal affairs of water districts, the OGCC explained that before the LWUA can intervene, it must establish that the water district has defaulted on its loan and it has provided the water district with an opportunity to remedy the default.AuthorizedThe OGCC said the LWUA must exhaust the procedures and remedies outlined in the loan agreement before resorting to intervention, ensuring compliance with due process requirements. The LWUA said the MCWD had defaulted on its loan, adding that the water district violated the terms of its Financial Assistance Contract (FAC). It cited the MCWD’s failure to address high non-revenue water that resulted in an annual loss of revenue of at least P117.759 million annually. This violated the agreement that both parties signed under Article IV, Section 7 of the existing FAC, it said.The LWUA issued a demand letter to MCWD board chairman Jose Daluz III and MCWD general manager Edgar Donoso titled “To Explain/Show Cause, To Turn Over Documents and To Stop the Usurpation of the Authority of the MCWD Interim Board of Directors and the Unauthorized Use of Facilities and Resources of MCWD.”“Prudent approach”LWUA Administrator Jose Moises Salonga said MCWD’s FAC with the LWUA provided several options for the LWUA in case the MCWD defaulted.“However, (the) LWUA decided to take a prudent approach by issuing an intervention order that is not only for (the) MCWD’s best interest but more so for the Cebuanos. (The) LWUA is offering a more holistic approach with (the) MCWD through partial intervention,” he said.LWUA Chairman Ronnie Ong issued a statement saying the agency has followed due process, adding that it even agreed with the MCWD’s request to wait for the OGCC’s opinion.“Now that it’s released, (the) LWUA takes note of their legal opinion affirming (the) LWUA’s power to intervene in water districts following that due process has been observed,” Ong said.He pointed out that they informed the MCWD of the partial intervention last March 15, while the FAC between the MCWD and the LWUA empowers the LWUA to implement intervention upon default without the need for judicial procedures or any administrative hearing or any negotiation steps in the LWUA. AssuranceHe said the LWUA provided various opportunities to the MCWD in 2023 to air its side in their various meetings and correspondences regarding finances, water rate and bidding issues.Ong assured that the LWUA’s partial intervention only involves the setting aside and the investigation of the MCWD’s regular board of directors (BOD) and shall not, in any way, affect rank-and-file employees and the delivery of services.“Accessible, uninterrupted and safe water supply to the Cebuanos will remain during the investigation and throughout the partial intervention,” he said.Daluz, in a phone interview on Tuesday, said he interpreted OGCC’s opinion as favorable to them.He said the status quo will remain in the MCWD’s regular BOD.He urged the LWUA to fulfill its earlier agreement to respect the OGCC’s opinion.Daluz explained that the MCWD has never defaulted on its loan, saying it has diligently paid the amortization for its about P12 million loan to LWUA. The MCWD had requested the OGCC for an opinion regarding LWUA’s partial intervention when it appointed an interim BOD last March 15. LWUA Administrator Salonga used Resolution 35, which was approved last September yet, as his authority to implement the agency’s “partial intervention” in the MCWD.The OGCC cited Section 61 (e) of the LWUA Law, which was established under Presidential Decree 198, also known as the Provincial Water Utilities Act of 1973, which allows the LWUA, without the necessity of judicial process, to take over and operate the facilities or properties in the event of a loan default by the local water district in the payment.To ascertain whether the MCWD has defaulted on the loan and the legitimacy of the LWUA’s intervention, the OGCC said it is necessary to examine any loan or financial agreement between the MCWD and the LWUA.No mention of the loanIt said the examination should consider various aspects of the agreement, such as the loan amount, payment schedules, interest rates, fees, events of default, default procedures, and other obligations of the MCWD outlined in the agreement. The OGCC pointed out that the LWUA’s letter dated March 15 did not mention the MCWD’s loan obligation to the LWUA or any default by the MCWD regarding the loan obligation. However, it said the LWUA may appoint an interim BOD during the period of its takeover or intervention of a local water district when the conditions for the LWUA’s takeover of, or intervention in, a local water district are present. “It must be emphasized that the takeover or intervention of a water district is authorized only to ensure payment of its overdue accounts, the satisfaction of its reserve requirements and the resolution of all its causes of default,” the OGCC reiterated. Old board “remains”The OGCC noted that during the takeover, the water district’s board members are not removed, as specified in Section 61 (e) of the LWUA Law. “For this purpose, the Administration may designate its employees or any person or organization to assume both the policy-making authority and the powers of management, including but not limited to, the establishment of water rates and service charges, the dismissal and hiring of personnel, the purchase of equipment, supplies or materials and such other actions as may be necessary to operate the water district efficiently. Such policy-making and management prerogatives may be returned to the Board of Directors and the general manager of the water district, respectively, when all of its overdue accounts have been paid, all its reserve requirements have been satisfied and all the causes of default have been met,” it said.It also cited Sections 17 and 18 of Title II of PD 198, which outline the powers and limitations of local water district boards, emphasizing their role in policy-making rather than detailed management. The OGCC said the original board can return when the default is resolved. / EHP, AML What slots can I play online for real money? Philippines THE Iloilo City Government, through its Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, has officially declared an outbreak of pertussis (whooping cough) during Monday’s emergency meeting, March 25, 2024.The declaration came following the recommendation of the Health and Sanitation Cluster headed by the City Health Office (CHO), which logged 15 cases of pertussis as of March 25, seven of which are confirmed and eight are suspected.Headed by Iloilo City Mayor Jerry Treñas, the council passed two resolutions, one is declaring on outbreak on pertussis and the other one, recommending to the City Council the declaration of a state of calamity due to the disease.The mayor said he will make an urgent request to the City Council, which is expected to hold a special session Tuesday, March 26, for the approval of the declaration.“We need to access funds coming from the calamity fund; we cannot access it unless there is a declaration of the state of calamity,” Treñas said.With the declaration, a proposed budget of P16 million has also been approved during the council meeting for the needed measures and responses against pertussis.A big chunk of the fund will go for the procurement of medicines and vaccines.“If necessary, we will add more funds,” Treñas added.CHO data showed that three of the confirmed cases are from Molo, two from Jaro 1, and one each from Jaro II and Arevalo.According to CHO Assistant Department Head Dr. Roland Jay Fortuna, a total of 26,000 children aged 0 to 59 months old from the districts of Jaro, Molo and Arevalo are projected for vaccination.“If we have an outbreak, we have what we call 'outbreak response immunization', that is why we need additional vaccines. For adults, pregnant women on their third trimester are also high-risk, so we will give them the vaccine also because there’s possibility that they may be a carrier and the baby who is not yet vaccinated will have a big chance to acquire pertussis,” Fortuna said.Meanwhile, the personnel of the Uswag Molecular Laboratory will undergo training for pertussis testing so the City will no longer send specimen to the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine.According to the CHO, pertussis, commonly known as whooping or violent cough, is a highly contagious respiratory infection caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. In China, it is referred to as the "100-day cough. The incubation period is seven to 10 days.Individuals at high risk for pertussis include those who are younger than 12 months old, in the third trimester of pregnancy, have pre-existing health conditions, or have close contact with high risk.Symptoms include paroxysms of coughing, inspiratory "whooping," post-tussive vomiting, and apnea.It is transmitted through respiratory droplets. Preventive measures include respiratory hygiene, avoiding contact with unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated patients, hand washing with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer, and droplet precautions in healthcare facilities. (Leo Solinap/PR)

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THE Iloilo City Government, through its Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, has officially declared an outbreak of pertussis (whooping cough) during Monday’s emergency meeting, March 25, 2024.The declaration came following the recommendation of the Health and Sanitation Cluster headed by the City Health Office (CHO), which logged 15 cases of pertussis as of March 25, seven of which are confirmed and eight are suspected.Headed by Iloilo City Mayor Jerry Treñas, the council passed two resolutions, one is declaring on outbreak on pertussis and the other one, recommending to the City Council the declaration of a state of calamity due to the disease.The mayor said he will make an urgent request to the City Council, which is expected to hold a special session Tuesday, March 26, for the approval of the declaration.“We need to access funds coming from the calamity fund; we cannot access it unless there is a declaration of the state of calamity,” Treñas said.With the declaration, a proposed budget of P16 million has also been approved during the council meeting for the needed measures and responses against pertussis.A big chunk of the fund will go for the procurement of medicines and vaccines.“If necessary, we will add more funds,” Treñas added.CHO data showed that three of the confirmed cases are from Molo, two from Jaro 1, and one each from Jaro II and Arevalo.According to CHO Assistant Department Head Dr. Roland Jay Fortuna, a total of 26,000 children aged 0 to 59 months old from the districts of Jaro, Molo and Arevalo are projected for vaccination.“If we have an outbreak, we have what we call 'outbreak response immunization', that is why we need additional vaccines. For adults, pregnant women on their third trimester are also high-risk, so we will give them the vaccine also because there’s possibility that they may be a carrier and the baby who is not yet vaccinated will have a big chance to acquire pertussis,” Fortuna said.Meanwhile, the personnel of the Uswag Molecular Laboratory will undergo training for pertussis testing so the City will no longer send specimen to the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine.According to the CHO, pertussis, commonly known as whooping or violent cough, is a highly contagious respiratory infection caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. In China, it is referred to as the "100-day cough. The incubation period is seven to 10 days.Individuals at high risk for pertussis include those who are younger than 12 months old, in the third trimester of pregnancy, have pre-existing health conditions, or have close contact with high risk.Symptoms include paroxysms of coughing, inspiratory "whooping," post-tussive vomiting, and apnea.It is transmitted through respiratory droplets. Preventive measures include respiratory hygiene, avoiding contact with unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated patients, hand washing with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer, and droplet precautions in healthcare facilities. (Leo Solinap/PR) What does the Philippines call soccer? EXPECTED to provide better opportunity for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), the Philippines has inked the second protocol to the Asean-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA).President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. made the announcement during the leaders’ plenary at the Asean-Australia Special Summit in Melbourne on Wednesday, March 6, 2024.Marcos expressed confidence that the pact will continue to be responsive to the evolving multidimensional challenges in the business environment and complement region-to-region efforts to strengthen supply chain resilience, the expansion of trade and investment, inclusivity and sustainable development.“The Protocol will indeed benefit micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) inasmuch as it facilitates their participation in international trade by improving their access to markets and participation in the global value chains, as well as promoting the use of e-commerce,” he said.“With the momentum from the CEO Forum yesterday, and AANZFTA together with the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement, we are confident that we will usher in even more robust economic cooperation within our region and provide a legal framework for a more prosperous future,” he added.The AANZFTA is a comprehensive and single-undertaking free trade agreement that uncovers and creates new opportunities for approximately 663 million individuals in Asean, Australia and New Zealand, which has a combined Gross Domestic Product of approximately $4 trillion as of 2016.It aims for a sustainable economic growth in the region by providing a more liberal, facilitative and transparent market and investment regimes among the twelve signatories to the agreement such which also includes Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao DPR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.Through the AANZFTA, tariffs will be progressively reduced from entry into force of the agreement, and eliminated for at least 90 percent of all tariff lines within specified timelines; movement of goods will be facilitated via a more modern and flexible rules of origin, simplified customs procedures, and more transparent mechanisms; and barriers to trade in services will be progressively liberalized allowing for greater market access to service suppliers in the region.The movement of business persons, those engaged in trade and investment activities, will be facilitated under the agreement; and covered investments will be accorded a range of protection, including the possibility of dealing with disputes via an investor-state dispute settlement mechanism.Meanwhile, Marcos welcomed Australia’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040, an elaborate plan aiming to broaden and deepen the economic ties between Asean and Australia.He said the Philippines is looking forward to expanding the collaboration on agriculture and food security, digital economy, infrastructure, tourism and healthcare, which are key to achieving a strongly rooted, comfortable, and secure future for Filipinos and Asean citizens.“Through these 50 years, Australia has proven, time and again, its support for Asean as it continues its positive role in ensuring peace and stability in our region and our immediate neighborhood, now referred to as the Indo-Pacific,” said Marcos.“In Asean, Australia has consistently supported all Asean-led mechanisms through these 50 years. We appreciate the evolution of Australia’s strategic approach towards the region from the mere confines of the Asia-Pacific to our now wider common interests in the Indo-Pacific,” he added.He encouraged Australia to continue its active engagement both bilaterally and through Asean to ensure the primacy of peace and stability through confidence building, preventive diplomacy, and conflict resolution in the region.The chief executive also highlighted the country’s efforts in taking “bold and decisive actions” both domestically and in the international fora for climate change as it remains vulnerable to the harsh effects of climate change.Marcos reiterated the offer to host the Board of the Loss and Damage Fund for climate change noting that it would showcase its global commitment to inclusivity, ensuring that the voices and experiences of the most affected countries are heard and considered in shaping the most urgent of global climate policies.“In the Philippines, we have taken concrete actions by implementing policies and initiatives to reduce emissions by catalyzing investments in our rich sources of renewable energy,” he said. (TPM/SunStar Philippines)

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EXPECTED to provide better opportunity for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), the Philippines has inked the second protocol to the Asean-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA).President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. made the announcement during the leaders’ plenary at the Asean-Australia Special Summit in Melbourne on Wednesday, March 6, 2024.Marcos expressed confidence that the pact will continue to be responsive to the evolving multidimensional challenges in the business environment and complement region-to-region efforts to strengthen supply chain resilience, the expansion of trade and investment, inclusivity and sustainable development.“The Protocol will indeed benefit micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) inasmuch as it facilitates their participation in international trade by improving their access to markets and participation in the global value chains, as well as promoting the use of e-commerce,” he said.“With the momentum from the CEO Forum yesterday, and AANZFTA together with the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement, we are confident that we will usher in even more robust economic cooperation within our region and provide a legal framework for a more prosperous future,” he added.The AANZFTA is a comprehensive and single-undertaking free trade agreement that uncovers and creates new opportunities for approximately 663 million individuals in Asean, Australia and New Zealand, which has a combined Gross Domestic Product of approximately $4 trillion as of 2016.It aims for a sustainable economic growth in the region by providing a more liberal, facilitative and transparent market and investment regimes among the twelve signatories to the agreement such which also includes Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao DPR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.Through the AANZFTA, tariffs will be progressively reduced from entry into force of the agreement, and eliminated for at least 90 percent of all tariff lines within specified timelines; movement of goods will be facilitated via a more modern and flexible rules of origin, simplified customs procedures, and more transparent mechanisms; and barriers to trade in services will be progressively liberalized allowing for greater market access to service suppliers in the region.The movement of business persons, those engaged in trade and investment activities, will be facilitated under the agreement; and covered investments will be accorded a range of protection, including the possibility of dealing with disputes via an investor-state dispute settlement mechanism.Meanwhile, Marcos welcomed Australia’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040, an elaborate plan aiming to broaden and deepen the economic ties between Asean and Australia.He said the Philippines is looking forward to expanding the collaboration on agriculture and food security, digital economy, infrastructure, tourism and healthcare, which are key to achieving a strongly rooted, comfortable, and secure future for Filipinos and Asean citizens.“Through these 50 years, Australia has proven, time and again, its support for Asean as it continues its positive role in ensuring peace and stability in our region and our immediate neighborhood, now referred to as the Indo-Pacific,” said Marcos.“In Asean, Australia has consistently supported all Asean-led mechanisms through these 50 years. We appreciate the evolution of Australia’s strategic approach towards the region from the mere confines of the Asia-Pacific to our now wider common interests in the Indo-Pacific,” he added.He encouraged Australia to continue its active engagement both bilaterally and through Asean to ensure the primacy of peace and stability through confidence building, preventive diplomacy, and conflict resolution in the region.The chief executive also highlighted the country’s efforts in taking “bold and decisive actions” both domestically and in the international fora for climate change as it remains vulnerable to the harsh effects of climate change.Marcos reiterated the offer to host the Board of the Loss and Damage Fund for climate change noting that it would showcase its global commitment to inclusivity, ensuring that the voices and experiences of the most affected countries are heard and considered in shaping the most urgent of global climate policies.“In the Philippines, we have taken concrete actions by implementing policies and initiatives to reduce emissions by catalyzing investments in our rich sources of renewable energy,” he said. (TPM/SunStar Philippines) What does the Philippines call soccer? THE Office of the Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC) has released its opinion on the partial intervention of the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) in the Metropolitan Cebu Water District (MCWD).But the LWUA and the MCWD are interpreting it differently.The LWUA, in a statement issued on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, said the OGCC’s opinion affirmed the legality of its partial intervention.The OGCC said the LWUA is authorized to intervene in the operations and management of a water district, including policy-making. However, this power is subject to limitations imposed by its charter. In a statement dated March 26 and signed by Solomon Hermosura, government corporate counsel, and Owen Vidad, the officer-in-charge who handles the legal affairs of water districts, the OGCC explained that before the LWUA can intervene, it must establish that the water district has defaulted on its loan and it has provided the water district with an opportunity to remedy the default.AuthorizedThe OGCC said the LWUA must exhaust the procedures and remedies outlined in the loan agreement before resorting to intervention, ensuring compliance with due process requirements. The LWUA said the MCWD had defaulted on its loan, adding that the water district violated the terms of its Financial Assistance Contract (FAC). It cited the MCWD’s failure to address high non-revenue water that resulted in an annual loss of revenue of at least P117.759 million annually. This violated the agreement that both parties signed under Article IV, Section 7 of the existing FAC, it said.The LWUA issued a demand letter to MCWD board chairman Jose Daluz III and MCWD general manager Edgar Donoso titled “To Explain/Show Cause, To Turn Over Documents and To Stop the Usurpation of the Authority of the MCWD Interim Board of Directors and the Unauthorized Use of Facilities and Resources of MCWD.”“Prudent approach”LWUA Administrator Jose Moises Salonga said MCWD’s FAC with the LWUA provided several options for the LWUA in case the MCWD defaulted.“However, (the) LWUA decided to take a prudent approach by issuing an intervention order that is not only for (the) MCWD’s best interest but more so for the Cebuanos. (The) LWUA is offering a more holistic approach with (the) MCWD through partial intervention,” he said.LWUA Chairman Ronnie Ong issued a statement saying the agency has followed due process, adding that it even agreed with the MCWD’s request to wait for the OGCC’s opinion.“Now that it’s released, (the) LWUA takes note of their legal opinion affirming (the) LWUA’s power to intervene in water districts following that due process has been observed,” Ong said.He pointed out that they informed the MCWD of the partial intervention last March 15, while the FAC between the MCWD and the LWUA empowers the LWUA to implement intervention upon default without the need for judicial procedures or any administrative hearing or any negotiation steps in the LWUA. AssuranceHe said the LWUA provided various opportunities to the MCWD in 2023 to air its side in their various meetings and correspondences regarding finances, water rate and bidding issues.Ong assured that the LWUA’s partial intervention only involves the setting aside and the investigation of the MCWD’s regular board of directors (BOD) and shall not, in any way, affect rank-and-file employees and the delivery of services.“Accessible, uninterrupted and safe water supply to the Cebuanos will remain during the investigation and throughout the partial intervention,” he said.Daluz, in a phone interview on Tuesday, said he interpreted OGCC’s opinion as favorable to them.He said the status quo will remain in the MCWD’s regular BOD.He urged the LWUA to fulfill its earlier agreement to respect the OGCC’s opinion.Daluz explained that the MCWD has never defaulted on its loan, saying it has diligently paid the amortization for its about P12 million loan to LWUA. The MCWD had requested the OGCC for an opinion regarding LWUA’s partial intervention when it appointed an interim BOD last March 15. LWUA Administrator Salonga used Resolution 35, which was approved last September yet, as his authority to implement the agency’s “partial intervention” in the MCWD.The OGCC cited Section 61 (e) of the LWUA Law, which was established under Presidential Decree 198, also known as the Provincial Water Utilities Act of 1973, which allows the LWUA, without the necessity of judicial process, to take over and operate the facilities or properties in the event of a loan default by the local water district in the payment.To ascertain whether the MCWD has defaulted on the loan and the legitimacy of the LWUA’s intervention, the OGCC said it is necessary to examine any loan or financial agreement between the MCWD and the LWUA.No mention of the loanIt said the examination should consider various aspects of the agreement, such as the loan amount, payment schedules, interest rates, fees, events of default, default procedures, and other obligations of the MCWD outlined in the agreement. The OGCC pointed out that the LWUA’s letter dated March 15 did not mention the MCWD’s loan obligation to the LWUA or any default by the MCWD regarding the loan obligation. However, it said the LWUA may appoint an interim BOD during the period of its takeover or intervention of a local water district when the conditions for the LWUA’s takeover of, or intervention in, a local water district are present. “It must be emphasized that the takeover or intervention of a water district is authorized only to ensure payment of its overdue accounts, the satisfaction of its reserve requirements and the resolution of all its causes of default,” the OGCC reiterated. Old board “remains”The OGCC noted that during the takeover, the water district’s board members are not removed, as specified in Section 61 (e) of the LWUA Law. “For this purpose, the Administration may designate its employees or any person or organization to assume both the policy-making authority and the powers of management, including but not limited to, the establishment of water rates and service charges, the dismissal and hiring of personnel, the purchase of equipment, supplies or materials and such other actions as may be necessary to operate the water district efficiently. Such policy-making and management prerogatives may be returned to the Board of Directors and the general manager of the water district, respectively, when all of its overdue accounts have been paid, all its reserve requirements have been satisfied and all the causes of default have been met,” it said.It also cited Sections 17 and 18 of Title II of PD 198, which outline the powers and limitations of local water district boards, emphasizing their role in policy-making rather than detailed management. The OGCC said the original board can return when the default is resolved. / EHP, AML

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THE Office of the Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC) has released its opinion on the partial intervention of the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) in the Metropolitan Cebu Water District (MCWD).But the LWUA and the MCWD are interpreting it differently.The LWUA, in a statement issued on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, said the OGCC’s opinion affirmed the legality of its partial intervention.The OGCC said the LWUA is authorized to intervene in the operations and management of a water district, including policy-making. However, this power is subject to limitations imposed by its charter. In a statement dated March 26 and signed by Solomon Hermosura, government corporate counsel, and Owen Vidad, the officer-in-charge who handles the legal affairs of water districts, the OGCC explained that before the LWUA can intervene, it must establish that the water district has defaulted on its loan and it has provided the water district with an opportunity to remedy the default.AuthorizedThe OGCC said the LWUA must exhaust the procedures and remedies outlined in the loan agreement before resorting to intervention, ensuring compliance with due process requirements. The LWUA said the MCWD had defaulted on its loan, adding that the water district violated the terms of its Financial Assistance Contract (FAC). It cited the MCWD’s failure to address high non-revenue water that resulted in an annual loss of revenue of at least P117.759 million annually. This violated the agreement that both parties signed under Article IV, Section 7 of the existing FAC, it said.The LWUA issued a demand letter to MCWD board chairman Jose Daluz III and MCWD general manager Edgar Donoso titled “To Explain/Show Cause, To Turn Over Documents and To Stop the Usurpation of the Authority of the MCWD Interim Board of Directors and the Unauthorized Use of Facilities and Resources of MCWD.”“Prudent approach”LWUA Administrator Jose Moises Salonga said MCWD’s FAC with the LWUA provided several options for the LWUA in case the MCWD defaulted.“However, (the) LWUA decided to take a prudent approach by issuing an intervention order that is not only for (the) MCWD’s best interest but more so for the Cebuanos. (The) LWUA is offering a more holistic approach with (the) MCWD through partial intervention,” he said.LWUA Chairman Ronnie Ong issued a statement saying the agency has followed due process, adding that it even agreed with the MCWD’s request to wait for the OGCC’s opinion.“Now that it’s released, (the) LWUA takes note of their legal opinion affirming (the) LWUA’s power to intervene in water districts following that due process has been observed,” Ong said.He pointed out that they informed the MCWD of the partial intervention last March 15, while the FAC between the MCWD and the LWUA empowers the LWUA to implement intervention upon default without the need for judicial procedures or any administrative hearing or any negotiation steps in the LWUA. AssuranceHe said the LWUA provided various opportunities to the MCWD in 2023 to air its side in their various meetings and correspondences regarding finances, water rate and bidding issues.Ong assured that the LWUA’s partial intervention only involves the setting aside and the investigation of the MCWD’s regular board of directors (BOD) and shall not, in any way, affect rank-and-file employees and the delivery of services.“Accessible, uninterrupted and safe water supply to the Cebuanos will remain during the investigation and throughout the partial intervention,” he said.Daluz, in a phone interview on Tuesday, said he interpreted OGCC’s opinion as favorable to them.He said the status quo will remain in the MCWD’s regular BOD.He urged the LWUA to fulfill its earlier agreement to respect the OGCC’s opinion.Daluz explained that the MCWD has never defaulted on its loan, saying it has diligently paid the amortization for its about P12 million loan to LWUA. The MCWD had requested the OGCC for an opinion regarding LWUA’s partial intervention when it appointed an interim BOD last March 15. LWUA Administrator Salonga used Resolution 35, which was approved last September yet, as his authority to implement the agency’s “partial intervention” in the MCWD.The OGCC cited Section 61 (e) of the LWUA Law, which was established under Presidential Decree 198, also known as the Provincial Water Utilities Act of 1973, which allows the LWUA, without the necessity of judicial process, to take over and operate the facilities or properties in the event of a loan default by the local water district in the payment.To ascertain whether the MCWD has defaulted on the loan and the legitimacy of the LWUA’s intervention, the OGCC said it is necessary to examine any loan or financial agreement between the MCWD and the LWUA.No mention of the loanIt said the examination should consider various aspects of the agreement, such as the loan amount, payment schedules, interest rates, fees, events of default, default procedures, and other obligations of the MCWD outlined in the agreement. The OGCC pointed out that the LWUA’s letter dated March 15 did not mention the MCWD’s loan obligation to the LWUA or any default by the MCWD regarding the loan obligation. However, it said the LWUA may appoint an interim BOD during the period of its takeover or intervention of a local water district when the conditions for the LWUA’s takeover of, or intervention in, a local water district are present. “It must be emphasized that the takeover or intervention of a water district is authorized only to ensure payment of its overdue accounts, the satisfaction of its reserve requirements and the resolution of all its causes of default,” the OGCC reiterated. Old board “remains”The OGCC noted that during the takeover, the water district’s board members are not removed, as specified in Section 61 (e) of the LWUA Law. “For this purpose, the Administration may designate its employees or any person or organization to assume both the policy-making authority and the powers of management, including but not limited to, the establishment of water rates and service charges, the dismissal and hiring of personnel, the purchase of equipment, supplies or materials and such other actions as may be necessary to operate the water district efficiently. Such policy-making and management prerogatives may be returned to the Board of Directors and the general manager of the water district, respectively, when all of its overdue accounts have been paid, all its reserve requirements have been satisfied and all the causes of default have been met,” it said.It also cited Sections 17 and 18 of Title II of PD 198, which outline the powers and limitations of local water district boards, emphasizing their role in policy-making rather than detailed management. The OGCC said the original board can return when the default is resolved. / EHP, AML, Play the most trusted & legit online game in the Philippines, BingoPlus. Win more prizes with popular online casino games - Slot Games, Bingo, Live Casino... check the following table to see what categories most online casinos in the Philippines fit in.

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THE Iloilo City Government, through its Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, has officially declared an outbreak of pertussis (whooping cough) during Monday’s emergency meeting, March 25, 2024.The declaration came following the recommendation of the Health and Sanitation Cluster headed by the City Health Office (CHO), which logged 15 cases of pertussis as of March 25, seven of which are confirmed and eight are suspected.Headed by Iloilo City Mayor Jerry Treñas, the council passed two resolutions, one is declaring on outbreak on pertussis and the other one, recommending to the City Council the declaration of a state of calamity due to the disease.The mayor said he will make an urgent request to the City Council, which is expected to hold a special session Tuesday, March 26, for the approval of the declaration.“We need to access funds coming from the calamity fund; we cannot access it unless there is a declaration of the state of calamity,” Treñas said.With the declaration, a proposed budget of P16 million has also been approved during the council meeting for the needed measures and responses against pertussis.A big chunk of the fund will go for the procurement of medicines and vaccines.“If necessary, we will add more funds,” Treñas added.CHO data showed that three of the confirmed cases are from Molo, two from Jaro 1, and one each from Jaro II and Arevalo.According to CHO Assistant Department Head Dr. Roland Jay Fortuna, a total of 26,000 children aged 0 to 59 months old from the districts of Jaro, Molo and Arevalo are projected for vaccination.“If we have an outbreak, we have what we call 'outbreak response immunization', that is why we need additional vaccines. For adults, pregnant women on their third trimester are also high-risk, so we will give them the vaccine also because there’s possibility that they may be a carrier and the baby who is not yet vaccinated will have a big chance to acquire pertussis,” Fortuna said.Meanwhile, the personnel of the Uswag Molecular Laboratory will undergo training for pertussis testing so the City will no longer send specimen to the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine.According to the CHO, pertussis, commonly known as whooping or violent cough, is a highly contagious respiratory infection caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. In China, it is referred to as the "100-day cough. The incubation period is seven to 10 days.Individuals at high risk for pertussis include those who are younger than 12 months old, in the third trimester of pregnancy, have pre-existing health conditions, or have close contact with high risk.Symptoms include paroxysms of coughing, inspiratory "whooping," post-tussive vomiting, and apnea.It is transmitted through respiratory droplets. Preventive measures include respiratory hygiene, avoiding contact with unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated patients, hand washing with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer, and droplet precautions in healthcare facilities. (Leo Solinap/PR) What slots can I play online for real money?. here is how to register at an online casino site in the Philippines:


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THE Office of the Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC) has released its opinion on the partial intervention of the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) in the Metropolitan Cebu Water District (MCWD).But the LWUA and the MCWD are interpreting it differently.The LWUA, in a statement issued on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, said the OGCC’s opinion affirmed the legality of its partial intervention.The OGCC said the LWUA is authorized to intervene in the operations and management of a water district, including policy-making. However, this power is subject to limitations imposed by its charter. In a statement dated March 26 and signed by Solomon Hermosura, government corporate counsel, and Owen Vidad, the officer-in-charge who handles the legal affairs of water districts, the OGCC explained that before the LWUA can intervene, it must establish that the water district has defaulted on its loan and it has provided the water district with an opportunity to remedy the default.AuthorizedThe OGCC said the LWUA must exhaust the procedures and remedies outlined in the loan agreement before resorting to intervention, ensuring compliance with due process requirements. The LWUA said the MCWD had defaulted on its loan, adding that the water district violated the terms of its Financial Assistance Contract (FAC). It cited the MCWD’s failure to address high non-revenue water that resulted in an annual loss of revenue of at least P117.759 million annually. This violated the agreement that both parties signed under Article IV, Section 7 of the existing FAC, it said.The LWUA issued a demand letter to MCWD board chairman Jose Daluz III and MCWD general manager Edgar Donoso titled “To Explain/Show Cause, To Turn Over Documents and To Stop the Usurpation of the Authority of the MCWD Interim Board of Directors and the Unauthorized Use of Facilities and Resources of MCWD.”“Prudent approach”LWUA Administrator Jose Moises Salonga said MCWD’s FAC with the LWUA provided several options for the LWUA in case the MCWD defaulted.“However, (the) LWUA decided to take a prudent approach by issuing an intervention order that is not only for (the) MCWD’s best interest but more so for the Cebuanos. (The) LWUA is offering a more holistic approach with (the) MCWD through partial intervention,” he said.LWUA Chairman Ronnie Ong issued a statement saying the agency has followed due process, adding that it even agreed with the MCWD’s request to wait for the OGCC’s opinion.“Now that it’s released, (the) LWUA takes note of their legal opinion affirming (the) LWUA’s power to intervene in water districts following that due process has been observed,” Ong said.He pointed out that they informed the MCWD of the partial intervention last March 15, while the FAC between the MCWD and the LWUA empowers the LWUA to implement intervention upon default without the need for judicial procedures or any administrative hearing or any negotiation steps in the LWUA. AssuranceHe said the LWUA provided various opportunities to the MCWD in 2023 to air its side in their various meetings and correspondences regarding finances, water rate and bidding issues.Ong assured that the LWUA’s partial intervention only involves the setting aside and the investigation of the MCWD’s regular board of directors (BOD) and shall not, in any way, affect rank-and-file employees and the delivery of services.“Accessible, uninterrupted and safe water supply to the Cebuanos will remain during the investigation and throughout the partial intervention,” he said.Daluz, in a phone interview on Tuesday, said he interpreted OGCC’s opinion as favorable to them.He said the status quo will remain in the MCWD’s regular BOD.He urged the LWUA to fulfill its earlier agreement to respect the OGCC’s opinion.Daluz explained that the MCWD has never defaulted on its loan, saying it has diligently paid the amortization for its about P12 million loan to LWUA. The MCWD had requested the OGCC for an opinion regarding LWUA’s partial intervention when it appointed an interim BOD last March 15. LWUA Administrator Salonga used Resolution 35, which was approved last September yet, as his authority to implement the agency’s “partial intervention” in the MCWD.The OGCC cited Section 61 (e) of the LWUA Law, which was established under Presidential Decree 198, also known as the Provincial Water Utilities Act of 1973, which allows the LWUA, without the necessity of judicial process, to take over and operate the facilities or properties in the event of a loan default by the local water district in the payment.To ascertain whether the MCWD has defaulted on the loan and the legitimacy of the LWUA’s intervention, the OGCC said it is necessary to examine any loan or financial agreement between the MCWD and the LWUA.No mention of the loanIt said the examination should consider various aspects of the agreement, such as the loan amount, payment schedules, interest rates, fees, events of default, default procedures, and other obligations of the MCWD outlined in the agreement. The OGCC pointed out that the LWUA’s letter dated March 15 did not mention the MCWD’s loan obligation to the LWUA or any default by the MCWD regarding the loan obligation. However, it said the LWUA may appoint an interim BOD during the period of its takeover or intervention of a local water district when the conditions for the LWUA’s takeover of, or intervention in, a local water district are present. “It must be emphasized that the takeover or intervention of a water district is authorized only to ensure payment of its overdue accounts, the satisfaction of its reserve requirements and the resolution of all its causes of default,” the OGCC reiterated. Old board “remains”The OGCC noted that during the takeover, the water district’s board members are not removed, as specified in Section 61 (e) of the LWUA Law. “For this purpose, the Administration may designate its employees or any person or organization to assume both the policy-making authority and the powers of management, including but not limited to, the establishment of water rates and service charges, the dismissal and hiring of personnel, the purchase of equipment, supplies or materials and such other actions as may be necessary to operate the water district efficiently. Such policy-making and management prerogatives may be returned to the Board of Directors and the general manager of the water district, respectively, when all of its overdue accounts have been paid, all its reserve requirements have been satisfied and all the causes of default have been met,” it said.It also cited Sections 17 and 18 of Title II of PD 198, which outline the powers and limitations of local water district boards, emphasizing their role in policy-making rather than detailed management. The OGCC said the original board can return when the default is resolved. / EHP, AML What does the Philippines call soccer? . It’s always a good idea to take your time and make sure you’ve found the best online casino in the Philippines on the online gambling market that can give you what you want.

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THE Iloilo City Government, through its Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, has officially declared an outbreak of pertussis (whooping cough) during Monday’s emergency meeting, March 25, 2024.The declaration came following the recommendation of the Health and Sanitation Cluster headed by the City Health Office (CHO), which logged 15 cases of pertussis as of March 25, seven of which are confirmed and eight are suspected.Headed by Iloilo City Mayor Jerry Treñas, the council passed two resolutions, one is declaring on outbreak on pertussis and the other one, recommending to the City Council the declaration of a state of calamity due to the disease.The mayor said he will make an urgent request to the City Council, which is expected to hold a special session Tuesday, March 26, for the approval of the declaration.“We need to access funds coming from the calamity fund; we cannot access it unless there is a declaration of the state of calamity,” Treñas said.With the declaration, a proposed budget of P16 million has also been approved during the council meeting for the needed measures and responses against pertussis.A big chunk of the fund will go for the procurement of medicines and vaccines.“If necessary, we will add more funds,” Treñas added.CHO data showed that three of the confirmed cases are from Molo, two from Jaro 1, and one each from Jaro II and Arevalo.According to CHO Assistant Department Head Dr. Roland Jay Fortuna, a total of 26,000 children aged 0 to 59 months old from the districts of Jaro, Molo and Arevalo are projected for vaccination.“If we have an outbreak, we have what we call 'outbreak response immunization', that is why we need additional vaccines. For adults, pregnant women on their third trimester are also high-risk, so we will give them the vaccine also because there’s possibility that they may be a carrier and the baby who is not yet vaccinated will have a big chance to acquire pertussis,” Fortuna said.Meanwhile, the personnel of the Uswag Molecular Laboratory will undergo training for pertussis testing so the City will no longer send specimen to the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine.According to the CHO, pertussis, commonly known as whooping or violent cough, is a highly contagious respiratory infection caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. In China, it is referred to as the "100-day cough. The incubation period is seven to 10 days.Individuals at high risk for pertussis include those who are younger than 12 months old, in the third trimester of pregnancy, have pre-existing health conditions, or have close contact with high risk.Symptoms include paroxysms of coughing, inspiratory "whooping," post-tussive vomiting, and apnea.It is transmitted through respiratory droplets. Preventive measures include respiratory hygiene, avoiding contact with unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated patients, hand washing with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer, and droplet precautions in healthcare facilities. (Leo Solinap/PR) licensed online casinos EXPECTED to provide better opportunity for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), the Philippines has inked the second protocol to the Asean-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA).President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. made the announcement during the leaders’ plenary at the Asean-Australia Special Summit in Melbourne on Wednesday, March 6, 2024.Marcos expressed confidence that the pact will continue to be responsive to the evolving multidimensional challenges in the business environment and complement region-to-region efforts to strengthen supply chain resilience, the expansion of trade and investment, inclusivity and sustainable development.“The Protocol will indeed benefit micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) inasmuch as it facilitates their participation in international trade by improving their access to markets and participation in the global value chains, as well as promoting the use of e-commerce,” he said.“With the momentum from the CEO Forum yesterday, and AANZFTA together with the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement, we are confident that we will usher in even more robust economic cooperation within our region and provide a legal framework for a more prosperous future,” he added.The AANZFTA is a comprehensive and single-undertaking free trade agreement that uncovers and creates new opportunities for approximately 663 million individuals in Asean, Australia and New Zealand, which has a combined Gross Domestic Product of approximately $4 trillion as of 2016.It aims for a sustainable economic growth in the region by providing a more liberal, facilitative and transparent market and investment regimes among the twelve signatories to the agreement such which also includes Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao DPR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.Through the AANZFTA, tariffs will be progressively reduced from entry into force of the agreement, and eliminated for at least 90 percent of all tariff lines within specified timelines; movement of goods will be facilitated via a more modern and flexible rules of origin, simplified customs procedures, and more transparent mechanisms; and barriers to trade in services will be progressively liberalized allowing for greater market access to service suppliers in the region.The movement of business persons, those engaged in trade and investment activities, will be facilitated under the agreement; and covered investments will be accorded a range of protection, including the possibility of dealing with disputes via an investor-state dispute settlement mechanism.Meanwhile, Marcos welcomed Australia’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040, an elaborate plan aiming to broaden and deepen the economic ties between Asean and Australia.He said the Philippines is looking forward to expanding the collaboration on agriculture and food security, digital economy, infrastructure, tourism and healthcare, which are key to achieving a strongly rooted, comfortable, and secure future for Filipinos and Asean citizens.“Through these 50 years, Australia has proven, time and again, its support for Asean as it continues its positive role in ensuring peace and stability in our region and our immediate neighborhood, now referred to as the Indo-Pacific,” said Marcos.“In Asean, Australia has consistently supported all Asean-led mechanisms through these 50 years. We appreciate the evolution of Australia’s strategic approach towards the region from the mere confines of the Asia-Pacific to our now wider common interests in the Indo-Pacific,” he added.He encouraged Australia to continue its active engagement both bilaterally and through Asean to ensure the primacy of peace and stability through confidence building, preventive diplomacy, and conflict resolution in the region.The chief executive also highlighted the country’s efforts in taking “bold and decisive actions” both domestically and in the international fora for climate change as it remains vulnerable to the harsh effects of climate change.Marcos reiterated the offer to host the Board of the Loss and Damage Fund for climate change noting that it would showcase its global commitment to inclusivity, ensuring that the voices and experiences of the most affected countries are heard and considered in shaping the most urgent of global climate policies.“In the Philippines, we have taken concrete actions by implementing policies and initiatives to reduce emissions by catalyzing investments in our rich sources of renewable energy,” he said. (TPM/SunStar Philippines)

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THE Iloilo City Government, through its Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, has officially declared an outbreak of pertussis (whooping cough) during Monday’s emergency meeting, March 25, 2024.The declaration came following the recommendation of the Health and Sanitation Cluster headed by the City Health Office (CHO), which logged 15 cases of pertussis as of March 25, seven of which are confirmed and eight are suspected.Headed by Iloilo City Mayor Jerry Treñas, the council passed two resolutions, one is declaring on outbreak on pertussis and the other one, recommending to the City Council the declaration of a state of calamity due to the disease.The mayor said he will make an urgent request to the City Council, which is expected to hold a special session Tuesday, March 26, for the approval of the declaration.“We need to access funds coming from the calamity fund; we cannot access it unless there is a declaration of the state of calamity,” Treñas said.With the declaration, a proposed budget of P16 million has also been approved during the council meeting for the needed measures and responses against pertussis.A big chunk of the fund will go for the procurement of medicines and vaccines.“If necessary, we will add more funds,” Treñas added.CHO data showed that three of the confirmed cases are from Molo, two from Jaro 1, and one each from Jaro II and Arevalo.According to CHO Assistant Department Head Dr. Roland Jay Fortuna, a total of 26,000 children aged 0 to 59 months old from the districts of Jaro, Molo and Arevalo are projected for vaccination.“If we have an outbreak, we have what we call 'outbreak response immunization', that is why we need additional vaccines. For adults, pregnant women on their third trimester are also high-risk, so we will give them the vaccine also because there’s possibility that they may be a carrier and the baby who is not yet vaccinated will have a big chance to acquire pertussis,” Fortuna said.Meanwhile, the personnel of the Uswag Molecular Laboratory will undergo training for pertussis testing so the City will no longer send specimen to the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine.According to the CHO, pertussis, commonly known as whooping or violent cough, is a highly contagious respiratory infection caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. In China, it is referred to as the "100-day cough. The incubation period is seven to 10 days.Individuals at high risk for pertussis include those who are younger than 12 months old, in the third trimester of pregnancy, have pre-existing health conditions, or have close contact with high risk.Symptoms include paroxysms of coughing, inspiratory "whooping," post-tussive vomiting, and apnea.It is transmitted through respiratory droplets. Preventive measures include respiratory hygiene, avoiding contact with unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated patients, hand washing with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer, and droplet precautions in healthcare facilities. (Leo Solinap/PR) What slots can I play online for real money?

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